Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morning Blossom
30" x 40"
Acrylic on Canvas

This is the latest painting. It is going into a silent auction on the 29th and am excited to see what it will sell for. It's a bit of a departure from my regular style but I am very happy with the end result, so much so that I think I will try more of the same.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I just spent the week-end on Clear Lake where I showed 2 of my paintings at the Juniper Island Art show. This was my first time showing and in the first two hours of the opening night they both sold. I was thrilled to be present when they were purchased and as a result was able to actually meet the couple that bought them. I was thrilled to hear how much they loved them and were looking forward to putting one in each of their girls bedrooms. I was a bit sad, I must admit to see them go as I had spent everyday of the last month with these paintings, or rather 'MY BABIES' but alas, I bid them Adieu once I realized that the cheque was in the mail.
Now It's back to the blank canvas in the hopes that the well has not run dried.

Monday, August 3, 2009

This is Harlowe and she and Jackie O will be at the Juniper Island Art show: Aug 8&9.

Monday, July 20, 2009

now called pale pink bride

Almost done....

pink bride

This is what I'm working on right this second... I'm thinking that it's best to have two similar paintings for my upcoming show, although not yet ready to decide, which is the process I go through with every painting... I hate it until I love it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

jackie O

She's done, aside from just a little touch up. Off she and Girl Waiting go to the Juniper Island Art show in Lakefield Ontario Aug 8th &9th.

Friday, July 17, 2009


This is still a work in progress. This is the latest of my Ladies and will be exhibited at the Juniper Island Art show in Lakefield Ontario. This will be my first show and I am admittedly excited. I have never consider myself an artist but have recently needed a creative outlet and these canvas's are the result of that urge. I struggle with every blank canvas.. what will I paint, I can't paint, why do I paint... but in the end I step back to take in all of it and I feel a satisfaction, however fleeting, that I have accomplished something and it's not half bad. The time has come for me to see how others react when they stand back, in front of one of my paintings.. will they feel that I have accomplished something as well or more importantly, will they feel compelled to take one of my pieces home with them which is, let's face it, REALLY what I am looking for.. girls gotta eat...